n December 25th, we hosted our second holiday kickback of the season to create a space for safety, nourishment, and affirming connections.

As we shared in our first Queer Holiday Kickback, we do not see these dates as times to celebrate. Rather, we know that regardless of whether we celebrate these dates, our experiences and broader culture are arranged in ways that can make the holidays feel lonely and isolating, reveal trauma and emotional wounds, and otherwise leave us deep in feelings of scarcity no matter our incomes and place in society.

We choose abundance.

We choose abundance of tamales, pozole, tortillas, drink, and even wine — we even had vegan options. We choose abundance of laughter, singing, and smiles. We choose abundance of time & space for each other — even for strangers we have never met.

Twenty of us came out to share an afternoon of abundance, and be reminded that community is created even in these small, simple acts of care for each other.

After the event, with so much food left over, one of our collaborators found a dozen families to take bowls or plates of food. Abundance means we share what we have, too.

Thank you for helping us create community:
Sazon Latino Catering
Blue Owl
Vivian Storm