uccess! We couldn’t be more proud of our second annual Community Care Kickbacks. With multiple teams, partnerships, supporters, and donors, we made room for nearly 100 people on the November 23rd holiday from Oakland to El Paso to Santa Barbara.

In Oakland, the Good VBZ QTPoC events group hosted a full soul food buffet and good, queer vibes for all at Night Heron lounge.

In El Paso, a team of community members prepared a homecooked meal of Borderlands comfort food shared over a family table at Cafe Cocol.

And in Santa Barbara, co-owners Chef Rose and Stirling of Soul Bites prepared another soul food spread and served plenty of wine, beer, and alcohol-free beverages in a space hosted by Color Bloq’s executive director.

Multiple states. Multiple events. Our supporters, collaborators, and vendors showing up just for community. This isn’t about “celebrating” the holiday. This is about making sure our community can feel abundance, feel nourished, feel safe, feel connected, and full of joy on a day that would rather they feel isolated, alone, hungry, and deep in scarcity.

We heard from our community who came to these kickbacks: they needed spaces like this, they felt the care and intention, they felt comforted by a room full of queer people, and the presence of Black & Brown queer & trans people they could relate to.

Safe, culturally affirming events with transit support, plenty of food, good music, and a space to not be alone — the keys to mental health and joy. We did it with strangers, we did it with people we didn’t know, we did it all for love of community.

Show your appreciation for our partners in community:


Good VBZ

Booked & Busy
Night Heron
Netta Brielle
Chef Halihl Guy

Santa Barbara

Soul Bites
Chrysanthe Christodoulou
The Santa Barbara Foundation

El Paso

Dion Banville
Cafe CoCol